The Japanese Society of M-GTA

The Japanese Society of M-GTA (Modified Grounded Theory Approach) for Innovative Qualitative Research

Doctoral Dissertations by Members

*English Information on this page is listed as provided by respective authors who solely bear its responsibility.

Research Area :


Author Title University(Degree) Year
Kumiko Shida Dignity therapy for nurses with spiritual pain -Discussing how to implement the therapy and the process of changes after intervention- Niigata University Graduate School Preservation of Health Science Postgraduate Course(Dr.Preservation of health science) 2017
Junko KUSANO Process by which mothers caring for infants at home care acquire skills in providing medical care Oita University of Nursing and Health Sciences 2017
Kiyomi FUJINO A qualitative study on the process of decision making in which long-term hospitalized schizophrenic patients choose hospitalization. Graduate School of Health Sciences,Niigata University 2016
Noriko KARATA Process toward collaborative prevention of infant abuse adopted by midwives working at obstetric facilities Graduate School of Health Sciences, Seirei Christopher University
(Doctor of Nursing)
Yutaka NAGAYAMA Nursing care process for releasing psychiatric inpatients from long-term seclusion in Japan: Modified grounded theory approach Doctoral Course, Division of Health Science, Kanazawa University
(Ph.D. (Health Sciences))
Satoko IMAIZUMI Gaining Wisdom for Living Beyond Cancer- The Cancer Survivorship of Elderly Male Patient with Advanced Esophageal Cancers Undergoing Chemoradiotherapy Graduate School of Nursing, Kitasato University
(Doctor of Nursing)
Masako ABE Difficulty of termination of infertility treatment: The changing process of perceptions in infertile women to reach fertile limitation Graduate School of Medical and Engineering Science, Faculty of Human care Science, University of Yamanashi
Yukiko ITO Research on Corporeity Found in Interaction between Patients and Nurses
- Focused on Nurses' Intuitive Decision Making -

Graduate School of Nursing and Social Services, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido
(Doctor of Nursing)

Hiroko NARUKI Process for volunteers in their middle and advanced ages to form a community of health service in the special district A in Tokyo Doctoral Programs in Nursing Science, St. Luke' s College of Nursing, (Doctor in Nursing Science) 2007
Hiroe HAYASHI Difficulties Shared By Visiting Nurses Supporting People With Mental Disorders Graduate School of Nursing, The Japan Red Cross College of Nursing
(Doctor of Nursing)
Satori KAKEMOTO Health Promotion for the Elderly Men during Transitional Retirement Period Doctoral Programs in Nursing Science, St. Luke' s College of Nursing, (Doctor in Nursing Science) 2005
Chikage TSUZUKI Clarification of public health nurses' practice and the construction of a model for routine health check-ups for children in Japan Division of Health Sciences and Nursing, Graduate school of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
(Ph.D (Health Science))
Mitsuko MITO Changing Reality of the Elderly and Perspective to Education Practice The Joint Graduate School (Ph.D. Program) in Science of School Education, Hyogo University of Teacher Education, (Ph.D.) 2001

Social Welfare/Social Work

Author Title University (Degree) Year
Ryoko MIKI Process of employment support to tenure on competitive workplace for people with mental health problem Graduate School of Advanced Human Studies, Taisho University
(Doctor of Human Studies)
Kumiko MORITA Study of Integrated Support of Young Adult Carers - Forcus on Young Adult Students in Higher Education Taisho University/Graduate School, Advanced Human Studies, Major in Welfare and Clinical Psychology
(Human Studies)
Kanako MASUI Process of leaving and recovering from the intimate partner violence - New support model based on an analysis through victims' semi-structured interviews - Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University
(Ph.D. (Social Work))
Yuki OGA The grief work structure consists of social work serving prosess and role losing process of the social workers in acute hospitals Graduate School of Integrated Human Studies, Japan Lutheran College
(Doctor of Social Work)
Nobuo HISAMATSU Anguish and cope act of Social Worker about support of the elderly with dementia :Focusing Certified Social Worker of local comprehensive support centers Graduate School of Sociology, Toyo University
(Ph.D.(Social work))
Atsushi AKAHATA Constructing a support structure conceptual model for deaf and hard of hearing with mental disorders - The complex interaction phenomenon in support - Graduate school of Social Work, Japan Lutheran College
(Ph.D.(Social Work ))
Misao IWAMOTO A study on "Role-making" of social workers : Focusing on social work practice in psychiatric hospitals Graduate School of Advanced Human Studies, Taisho University
(Doctor of Human Studies)
Takahito OGINO "Settlization" Process of Vietnamese Refugees in Japan: Their Relationship with "Important Others" Graduate School of Sociology, Toyo University
(Doctor of Social Work)
Terumi MASAGO Interactive Empowerment Process for Workers and Clients in Epilepsy Consultation: Role Expectation of Medical Social Workers in Epilepsy Care Graduate School of Social Welfare, Kyushu University of Health and Welfare
(Ph.D. (Social Welfare))
Kumiko MIWA Grief Process and Care of Parents Who Lost their Child from Cancer
- Reconstructing Process of Parents' Bond with their Deceased Child and Suggested Support for them -
Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Social Sciences, Japan Women' s University
(Ph.D.(Social Welfare))
Chiyoe SAKAMOTO The Study of Peer Support for People with Mental Disorder. - The Psychiatric Social worker's Experiences through Supporting Peer Supporter for People with Mental Disorder. - The Graduate School of Human Life Sciences, University of Kochi Graduate School
(Ph.D. (Social Welfare))
Kazunori NAGASAKI A study about the process that recognition for the social support of the mental patient changes, and come to use a support - For a social work to promote the social support use of the mental patient - Graduate School of Human Health Science, Kochi Women's University
(Ph.D. (Human Health Science))
Rie YAMANOI A Qualitative Study of Care Management for Hard-to-Support Clients: From the Perspective of Care Managers of In-Home Care Support Centers Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Ochanomizu University
(Ph.D. (Social Work))
Noriko YAMANO Construction of theory for management practices in regional network for the prevention of child abuse : From the chain of exclusiveness to the chain of spontaneousness Graduate School of Human Welfare Studies , Kansei Gakuin University
(Ph.D. (Social Work))
Takako SASHIKA A study about the support to parents who are in accepting process of their severely handicapped children and are confronted with repetitive critical situations of life cycle. Graduate School, Advanced Human Studies, Taisho University
(Ph.D. (Welfare and Clinical Psychology))
Toshiko YOKOYAMA The helping view of social worker in the mental health field. Graduate School of Letters, Doshisha University
(Ph.D. (Social Welfare))
Miyoko YASUDA (MIKE) The Support towards Reconstructing Daily Life and the Development of the Support Infrastructure: The Model of Discharge Planning by Social Workers In University Hospitals Graduate School of Sociology , Kansei Gakuin University
(Ph.D. (Social Welfare))

Clinical Psychology/Psychology

Author Title University (Degree) Year
Michiko KIYA Self Experiences of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder Graduate School of Education,Hokkaido University(Doctor of Philosophy) 2017
Hiroshi TAKESHITA Impact of teamwork on competency development for organizational innovation Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu University(Ph.D.(Psychology)) 2016
Tomomi ITANI Psychosocial intervention for children with developmental disabilities - effectiveness of behavioral parent training - Graduate school of Letters, Chuo University (Ph.D. in Psychology) 2011
Keiko OGURA Psychological Study of an Adaptation of Residents to a Nursing Home Environment
- Making and Developing of Relationships and Individual life-routine -
Graduate School of Integrated Art and Social Sciences, Japan Women' s University
(Ph.D. (Psychology))

Business Management/Career

Author Title University (Degree) Year
Yoshihiro YAMASAKI Composition of the Place Branding by the Multiple Actors Collaboration:A Study of the Mountainous Areas with Dynamic Conception Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture
(Doctor of Philosophy)
Yasutoshi HORIUCHI Research on the Processes and Effecting Factors of Career Self-Reliance Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Hiroshi TAKESHITA Learning from External Expertise in Emerging Market: An Empirical Study of Japanese MNCs in China Doctoral Program, Aoyama Business School, Aoyama Gakuin University
(DBA (Doctor of Business Administration))

Education/Teaching Japanese Language/Related Areas

Author Title University (Degree) Year
Ayako NAGAE Hospital Classroom Teachers Provide Psychological Support for Children Undergoing Medical Treatment Hiroshima University (Doctor of Education) 2017
Junji KATAGIRI A qualitative contextual approach-based study of the development process of learners' beliefs about language learning. Graduate School of Languages and Cultures, Nagoya University
Kyoko SUZUKI Intercultural Experiences of School Teachers
- Intercultural Adaptation, Personal Growth and Growth as Teachers -
Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Ochanomizu University
(Ph.D. (Intercultural Education))
Aiko NEMOTO Role of Pop Culture in Japanese Language Motivation: Quantitative and Qualitative Research in Qatar Graduate School of Language and Society, Hitotsubashi University
(Ph.D. (Teaching Japanese Language))
Ryuta USHIKUBO The role of institutional constraints in creating "Japanese teacher-ness" in Japanese language education -Regarding Japanese language education based on Teacher Agency - Graduate School of Japanese Applied Linguistics (GSJAL), Waseda University
(Ph.D. (Japanese Applied Linguistics))
Toshiko KAWASAKI The history of Japanese-language education in Korea;
The change of discourses on Japanese-language education
Graduate school of humanity and science, Ochanomizu University, (Ph. D. of linguistics) 2011
Kiyomi ARAI Nurturing Youth' s Life Recognition in Home Economics Education - Life-Emergence Model Doctoral Course of Education, Division of Human Life and Technology Education, The United Graduate School of Education, Tokyo Gakugei University
(Ph.D. (Education))
Hiroyo MATSUDO Study on the way of the special support for students with Special Educational Needs in school libraries
- Based on the field survey for school librarians and school staffs -
Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba
(Ph.D. (Library Information Science))
Keiko TOMARU Middle-School Teachers' Troubled Feelings About Their Relations With Their Students :Modification of Teachers' Concerns Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba ( Education) 2007

Sociology/Bahavioral Sciences/Related Areas

Author Title University (Degree) Year
How Experiences of Work Interruption make Women an Opportunity to Acquire Re-employment Resources: Interview Research for Expatriate Housewives Ochanomizu University Humanities and Sciences Ph.D (Social Sciences) 2017
Kanae SAGAWA The sociology of memory and emotions: a fieldwork of dementia and Korsakoff's syndrome Graduate School of Sociology, Rikkyo University
Yoko HAYASHI The Qualitative Study of the Role Taking Process of the Elderly Spouse Caregivers Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Ochanomizu University
(Ph.D. (Sociology))
Hiroshi YAMAZAKI Interpretive Social Ecological Model for Youth Sexual Health Promotion: exploratory and policy/support analyses for promoting condom use among sexually active high school students in Japan Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University
(Ph.D . (Human and Environmental Studies))

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