Doctoral Dissertations by Members
*English Information on this page is listed as provided by respective authors who solely bear its responsibility.
Research Area :
- Nursing/Health
- Social Welfare/Social Work
- Clinical Psychology/Psychology
- Business Management/Career
- Education/Teaching Japanese Language/Related Areas
- Sociology/Bahavioral Sciences/Related Areas
Author | Title | University(Degree) | Year |
Kumiko Shida | Dignity therapy for nurses with spiritual pain -Discussing how to implement the therapy and the process of changes after intervention- | Niigata University Graduate School Preservation of Health Science Postgraduate Course(Dr.Preservation of health science) | 2017 |
Junko KUSANO | Process by which mothers caring for infants at home care acquire skills in providing medical care | Oita University of Nursing and Health Sciences | 2017 |
Kiyomi FUJINO | A qualitative study on the process of decision making in which long-term hospitalized schizophrenic patients choose hospitalization. | Graduate School of Health Sciences,Niigata University | 2016 |
Noriko KARATA | Process toward collaborative prevention of infant abuse adopted by midwives working at obstetric facilities | Graduate School of Health Sciences, Seirei Christopher University (Doctor of Nursing) |
2014 |
Yutaka NAGAYAMA | Nursing care process for releasing psychiatric inpatients from long-term seclusion in Japan: Modified grounded theory approach | Doctoral Course, Division of Health Science, Kanazawa University (Ph.D. (Health Sciences)) |
2013 |
Satoko IMAIZUMI | Gaining Wisdom for Living Beyond Cancer- The Cancer Survivorship of Elderly Male Patient with Advanced Esophageal Cancers Undergoing Chemoradiotherapy | Graduate School of Nursing, Kitasato University (Doctor of Nursing) |
2011 |
Masako ABE | Difficulty of termination of infertility treatment: The changing process of perceptions in infertile women to reach fertile limitation | Graduate School of Medical and Engineering Science, Faculty of Human care Science,
University of Yamanashi (Ph.D.(Nursing)) |
2008 |
Yukiko ITO | Research on Corporeity Found in Interaction between Patients and Nurses - Focused on Nurses' Intuitive Decision Making - |
Graduate School of Nursing and Social Services, Health Sciences University of
Hokkaido |
2008 |
Hiroko NARUKI | Process for volunteers in their middle and advanced ages to form a community of health service in the special district A in Tokyo | Doctoral Programs in Nursing Science, St. Luke' s College of Nursing, (Doctor in Nursing Science) | 2007 |
Hiroe HAYASHI | Difficulties Shared By Visiting Nurses Supporting People With Mental Disorders | Graduate School of Nursing, The Japan Red Cross College of Nursing (Doctor of Nursing) |
2007 |
Satori KAKEMOTO | Health Promotion for the Elderly Men during Transitional Retirement Period | Doctoral Programs in Nursing Science, St. Luke' s College of Nursing, (Doctor in Nursing Science) | 2005 |
Chikage TSUZUKI | Clarification of public health nurses' practice and the construction of a model for routine health check-ups for children in Japan | Division of Health Sciences and Nursing, Graduate school of Medicine, The University of
Tokyo (Ph.D (Health Science)) |
2005 |
Mitsuko MITO | Changing Reality of the Elderly and Perspective to Education Practice | The Joint Graduate School (Ph.D. Program) in Science of School Education, Hyogo University of Teacher Education, (Ph.D.) | 2001 |
Social Welfare/Social Work
Author | Title | University (Degree) | Year |
Ryoko MIKI | Process of employment support to tenure on competitive workplace for people with mental health problem | Graduate School of Advanced Human Studies, Taisho University (Doctor of Human Studies) |
2017 |
Kumiko MORITA | Study of Integrated Support of Young Adult Carers - Forcus on Young Adult Students in Higher Education | Taisho University/Graduate School, Advanced Human Studies, Major in Welfare and Clinical
Psychology (Human Studies) |
2016 |
Kanako MASUI | Process of leaving and recovering from the intimate partner violence - New support model based on an analysis through victims' semi-structured interviews - | Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University (Ph.D. (Social Work)) |
2016 |
Yuki OGA | The grief work structure consists of social work serving prosess and role losing process of the social workers in acute hospitals | Graduate School of Integrated Human Studies, Japan Lutheran College (Doctor of Social Work) |
2013 |
Nobuo HISAMATSU | Anguish and cope act of Social Worker about support of the elderly with dementia :Focusing Certified Social Worker of local comprehensive support centers | Graduate School of Sociology, Toyo University (Ph.D.(Social work)) |
2012 |
Atsushi AKAHATA | Constructing a support structure conceptual model for deaf and hard of hearing with mental disorders - The complex interaction phenomenon in support - | Graduate school of Social Work, Japan Lutheran College (Ph.D.(Social Work )) |
2012 |
Misao IWAMOTO | A study on "Role-making" of social workers : Focusing on social work practice in psychiatric hospitals | Graduate School of Advanced Human Studies, Taisho University (Doctor of Human Studies) |
2012 |
Takahito OGINO | "Settlization" Process of Vietnamese Refugees in Japan: Their Relationship with "Important Others" | Graduate School of Sociology, Toyo University (Doctor of Social Work) |
2011 |
Terumi MASAGO | Interactive Empowerment Process for Workers and Clients in Epilepsy Consultation: Role Expectation of Medical Social Workers in Epilepsy Care | Graduate School of Social Welfare, Kyushu University of Health and Welfare (Ph.D. (Social Welfare)) |
2010 |
Kumiko MIWA | Grief Process and Care of Parents Who Lost their Child from Cancer - Reconstructing Process of Parents' Bond with their Deceased Child and Suggested Support for them - |
Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Social Sciences, Japan Women' s University (Ph.D.(Social Welfare)) |
2009 |
Chiyoe SAKAMOTO | The Study of Peer Support for People with Mental Disorder. - The Psychiatric Social worker's Experiences through Supporting Peer Supporter for People with Mental Disorder. - | The Graduate School of Human Life Sciences, University of Kochi Graduate School (Ph.D. (Social Welfare)) |
2008 |
Kazunori NAGASAKI | A study about the process that recognition for the social support of the mental patient changes, and come to use a support - For a social work to promote the social support use of the mental patient - | Graduate School of Human Health Science, Kochi Women's University (Ph.D. (Human Health Science)) |
2008 |
Rie YAMANOI | A Qualitative Study of Care Management for Hard-to-Support Clients: From the Perspective of Care Managers of In-Home Care Support Centers | Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Ochanomizu University (Ph.D. (Social Work)) |
2008 |
Noriko YAMANO | Construction of theory for management practices in regional network for the prevention of child abuse : From the chain of exclusiveness to the chain of spontaneousness | Graduate School of Human Welfare Studies , Kansei Gakuin University (Ph.D. (Social Work)) |
2008 |
Takako SASHIKA | A study about the support to parents who are in accepting process of their severely handicapped children and are confronted with repetitive critical situations of life cycle. | Graduate School, Advanced Human Studies, Taisho University (Ph.D. (Welfare and Clinical Psychology)) |
2006 |
Toshiko YOKOYAMA | The helping view of social worker in the mental health field. | Graduate School of Letters, Doshisha University (Ph.D. (Social Welfare)) |
2007 |
Miyoko YASUDA (MIKE) | The Support towards Reconstructing Daily Life and the Development of the Support Infrastructure: The Model of Discharge Planning by Social Workers In University Hospitals | Graduate School of Sociology , Kansei Gakuin University (Ph.D. (Social Welfare)) |
2002 |
Clinical Psychology/Psychology
Author | Title | University (Degree) | Year |
Michiko KIYA | Self Experiences of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder | Graduate School of Education,Hokkaido University(Doctor of Philosophy) | 2017 |
Hiroshi TAKESHITA | Impact of teamwork on competency development for organizational innovation | Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu University(Ph.D.(Psychology)) | 2016 |
Tomomi ITANI | Psychosocial intervention for children with developmental disabilities - effectiveness of behavioral parent training - | Graduate school of Letters, Chuo University (Ph.D. in Psychology) | 2011 |
Keiko OGURA | Psychological Study of an Adaptation of Residents to a Nursing Home Environment - Making and Developing of Relationships and Individual life-routine - |
Graduate School of Integrated Art and Social Sciences, Japan Women' s University (Ph.D. (Psychology)) |
2006 |
Business Management/Career
Author | Title | University (Degree) | Year |
Yoshihiro YAMASAKI | Composition of the Place Branding by the Multiple Actors Collaboration:A Study of the Mountainous Areas with Dynamic Conception | Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture (Doctor of Philosophy) |
2017 |
Yasutoshi HORIUCHI | Research on the Processes and Effecting Factors of Career Self-Reliance | Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba (Ph.D.) |
2013 |
Hiroshi TAKESHITA | Learning from External Expertise in Emerging Market: An Empirical Study of Japanese MNCs in China | Doctoral Program, Aoyama Business School, Aoyama Gakuin University (DBA (Doctor of Business Administration)) |
2010 |
Education/Teaching Japanese Language/Related Areas
Author | Title | University (Degree) | Year |
Ayako NAGAE | Hospital Classroom Teachers Provide Psychological Support for Children Undergoing Medical Treatment | Hiroshima University (Doctor of Education) | 2017 |
Junji KATAGIRI | A qualitative contextual approach-based study of the development process of learners' beliefs about language learning. | Graduate School of Languages and Cultures, Nagoya University (Ph.D.) |
2015 |
Kyoko SUZUKI | Intercultural Experiences of School Teachers - Intercultural Adaptation, Personal Growth and Growth as Teachers - |
Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Ochanomizu University (Ph.D. (Intercultural Education)) |
2013 |
Aiko NEMOTO | Role of Pop Culture in Japanese Language Motivation: Quantitative and Qualitative Research in Qatar | Graduate School of Language and Society, Hitotsubashi University (Ph.D. (Teaching Japanese Language)) |
2014 |
Ryuta USHIKUBO | The role of institutional constraints in creating "Japanese teacher-ness" in Japanese language education -Regarding Japanese language education based on Teacher Agency - | Graduate School of Japanese Applied Linguistics (GSJAL), Waseda University (Ph.D. (Japanese Applied Linguistics)) |
2013 |
Toshiko KAWASAKI | The history of Japanese-language education in Korea; The change of discourses on Japanese-language education |
Graduate school of humanity and science, Ochanomizu University, (Ph. D. of linguistics) | 2011 |
Kiyomi ARAI | Nurturing Youth' s Life Recognition in Home Economics Education - Life-Emergence Model | Doctoral Course of Education, Division of Human Life and Technology Education, The
United Graduate School of Education, Tokyo Gakugei University (Ph.D. (Education)) |
2011 |
Hiroyo MATSUDO | Study on the way of the special support for students with Special Educational Needs in
school libraries - Based on the field survey for school librarians and school staffs - |
Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba (Ph.D. (Library Information Science)) |
2008 |
Keiko TOMARU | Middle-School Teachers' Troubled Feelings About Their Relations With Their Students :Modification of Teachers' Concerns | Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba ( Education) | 2007 |
Sociology/Bahavioral Sciences/Related Areas
Author | Title | University (Degree) | Year |
How Experiences of Work Interruption make Women an Opportunity to Acquire Re-employment Resources: Interview Research for Expatriate Housewives | Ochanomizu University Humanities and Sciences Ph.D (Social Sciences) | 2017 |
Kanae SAGAWA | The sociology of memory and emotions: a fieldwork of dementia and Korsakoff's syndrome | Graduate School of Sociology, Rikkyo University (Ph.D.(Sociology)) |
2012 |
Yoko HAYASHI | The Qualitative Study of the Role Taking Process of the Elderly Spouse Caregivers | Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Ochanomizu University (Ph.D. (Sociology)) |
2007 |
Hiroshi YAMAZAKI | Interpretive Social Ecological Model for Youth Sexual Health Promotion: exploratory and policy/support analyses for promoting condom use among sexually active high school students in Japan | Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University (Ph.D . (Human and Environmental Studies)) |
2006 |